If the Sioux City Community Schools and Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools are CLOSED for the day due to snow/ice, THERE WILL BE NO ¨6:45 AM Mass ¨5:30 PM Mass ¨Parish Office will be closed ¨No Religious Education Classes ¨All activities canceled
If the Sioux City Community Schools and Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools have DELAY opening for 2 hours, WE WILL NOT HAVE 6:45 AM Mass ¨Parish Office will open at 10:00 AM ¨Morning activities canceled
If the Sioux City Community Schools and Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools have a 1 or 2 hour EARLY OUT, WE WILL NOT HAVE ¨5:30 PM Mass ¨Parish Office will close ¨No Religious Education Classes Afternoon and evening activities canceled